Humberto Díaz |
Humberto Díaz
2002-2004 Cathedra Arte Conducta. Havana, Cuba. (Postgraduate
1999-2004 Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba.
1990-1994 Escuela Profesional de Arte “Oscar F. Morera”,
Trinidad, Cuba.
1985-1989 Escuela Elemental de Arte, Santa Clara, Cuba.
Solo exhibition (selection)
Paranoia, Foundation Spazio 13, Warsaw, Poland/ Open Studio.
Daniel Silvo Studio, Alcalá 273. Madrid, Spain/ Destino, knoerle &
baettig Contemporary Gallery, Winterthur, Suiza/ Lost Moments,
Villa Strauli. Winterthur, Suiza.
Nothing inside, XI Havana Biennial, Morro-Cabaña Fortress, Cuba/
Vicious Circle, Open Studio Carlos Garaicoa, Madrid, Spain/ The
History Wheel, Province Visual Art Center, Bayamo, Cuba.
Levedad, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico DF.
POINT to POINT, Archie Gallery, UNEAC, Santa Clara, Cuba/ Scale
change, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico DF.
Photographic documentation “Ceramic installations”. Salón Blanco,
San Francisco de Asís Convent. Havana, Cuba/ Unreal realities. La
Salle Zero, Alianza francesa. Havana, Cuba.
Solo, The Cornerstone Gallery, Liverpool Hope University,
Liverpool, UK.
Optical Illusion, Gallery Servando, Cuba.
Land-scapes, Gallery Habana, Cuba.
Perpetual Movement, Castillo de la Real Fuerza, Havana, Cuba.
Like a sculpture, Visual Art Center (CDAV), Havana, Cuba/ In real
time, Intervention at “Mella`s Theatre”, Havana, Cuba.
Group exhibitions (selection)
Fronteras en cuestión I, artepari, Graz, Austria / Cuban American.
An Empire State of Mind. Lehman College Art Gallery. New
York, USA. / OE- Site_specifi c. On line exhibition. / Rodando se
encuentran. Contemporary Art from Cuban National Arts Council.
Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center (SUPEC), Shanghai,
Sex in the City.La Acacia Gallery. Havana, Cuba/ Eurostandartai,
101 Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania/ Paisajismo craneoencefálico.
Valverde Space, Madrid, Spain/ Art de la Grande ile des Caraibes,
Cultural Centre Manoir de Cologny, Geneva, Suiza/ ¡Oye, mira!
Refl ective approaches in contemporary Latin American video art.
Walter & Mc Bean Galleries, San Francisco, USA/ Latin America´s
Pavilion – IILA. 55 Biennial of Venice, Italy/ Scope art fair.Basel,
Suiza/ Les Jardins du précambrien, Fondation Derouin, Quebec,
Canadá/ Turn on, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana,
Cuba/ Behind the Wall, The 8th fl oor, New York, USA/ Rodando se
encuentran, El Reino de este Mundo Gallery, Biblioteca Nacional
de Cuba José Martí, Havana, Cuba.
Video Cubano II, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco
/ University of Iowa Art Museum/ Travesía, Gallery Raúl Oliva,
Cultural Centre Bertold Brecht, Havana, Cuba/ Flyers (Acto
Soberano), XI Havana Biennial, Complex Morro-Cabaña, Cuba/
Behind the Wall, XI Bienal de La Habana, Malecón Tradicional,
Havana, Cuba/ Lugares de Tránsito (LDT), La Tabacalera, Spain/
Ámbito Heterotópico, Factoría Habana, Cuba/ Cuba Now.
Contemporary Cuban art from the 21C Collection, 21C Musseum,
Louisville, USA/ Oltreil Mediterraneo II, Palazzo dell‘ Arti Beltrani,
Pinacoteca Ivo Scaringi Trani. Gall. Di Carlo, Italy/ Spray,
Das Hochhaus Kokerei Hansa Museum, Dortmund. Alemania/ CUBAN
ARTS PROJECT, Miami, USA/ Palestra 2011 Arci Bellezza, Milano,
Italy/ SAUNA Schloss Laudon Sauna, Wien, Österreich.
The Atmosphere, CDAV, Havana, Cuba/ Text to Speech, Bonelli
Lab, Milan, Italy/ Flowers, Lies and Revolution: Contemporary
Cuban Art, Sheldon Museum of Art, Lincoln, NE, USA/ El extremo
de la bala, una década de arte cubano, Pabellón Cuba. La Havana.
Cuba/ X Ceramic Biennial „Amelia Peláez“. Salón Blanco, San
Francisco de Asís Convent, Havana, Cuba /Portugal Art 2010,
Lisbon, Portugal/ El Extremo de la Bala, Pabellón Cuba, Havana,
Cuba/ Cuban Video, 8th Floor Space by Shelley and Donald Rubin,
New York, US/ Oltreil Mediterraneo, Latinamerican & Internacional
art, Bari, Italy/ PULSE MIAMI, Nina Menocal Gallery, Miami, EEUU.
IX St Petersburg Biennale, Dialogues-2009, Central Hall
Exhibition, Manege. St Petersburg, Russia/ Hot Art Fair, Artists
program. Basel, Switzerland/ Tales from the New World. X Havana
Biennale, Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba/ State of exception. X
Havana Biennale, Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba/ I Symposium
of Installations, Cultural Center San Pancho, Jalisco, Mexico/
pc.cuba.com. Casa de la Poesía, Havana, Cuba/ PULSE MIAMI.
Nina Menocal Gallery, Miami, USA/ 20 años no son nada, CDAV,
Havana, Cuba.
De mil amores. Private house, Nuevo Vedado, Havana, Cuba/
Asalto al Cielo (second edition), New alternatives of cuban video
art. Barcelona, España/ Arboleda, El cuerpo es cuerpos, Jesús
Gallardo de León Gallery, International Festival of Contemporary
Art from León, Guanajuato, Mexico/ Visiones desde una isla. Arte
Actual Space, Quito, Ecuador/ Isla IN-CONTINENTE. Honduras/
Logic Bomb, 7th Gwangju Biennale, South Korea/ V Salón de Arte
Contemporáneo Cubano. CDAV, Havana, Cuba/ Erótica. Museo
Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba.
Espacios Multiplicados. CDAV, Havana, Cuba/ Los unos y los
otros. Conventions Palace, Havana, Cuba/ Cero. Salón Blanco,
San Francisco de Asís Convent, Havana, Cuba/ Video arte cubano.
Spain Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Assault to the sky, New alternatives of the Cuban videoart,
Misceläneas, Spain/ Mirage. Collateral exhibition to 9th Havana
Biennial, Cuba.
Contemporary Cuban Art. Saloon, CDAV, Havana, Cuba/ Suave
Death, Academia “San Alejandro”, Cuba.
National Drawing Saloon (2nd edition), “Roberto Diago Querol”
Gallery, Matanzas, Cuba/ Centrifuge: Image in Motion, CDAV,
Havana, Cuba/ VII Ceramic Biennial „Amelia Peláez“. Salón
Blanco, San Francisco de Asís Convent, Havana, Cuba/ III
Performance journey, Cienfuegos, Cuba.
8th. Havana Biennial. Department of Public Interventions (DIP),
Havana, Cuba/ Untitled, CDAV, Havana, Cuba/ Double Seduction.
Menu of Cuban artist’s vide oart. DIP, Sala Amadís, Madrid. Spain/
Sentido Común. Galería Habana, Havana, Cuba/ Performance in
Reverse, Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba.
COPY RIGHT. Spain Cultural Center, Havana, Cuba.
Llega y pon, III Contemporary Cuban Art Saloon. Instituto Superior
de Arte (ISA), Havana, Cuba/ VI Ceramic Biennial „Amelia Peláez“.
Castillo de la Real Fuerza, Havana, Cuba/ II Performance journey,
Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Havana-ISA-Club, collateral exhibition to 7th. Havana Biennial, ISA,
Havana, Cuba.
Déjà vu, I Meeting of Public Art, C. de Avila, Cuba.
H Citizen (Performances in different cities of Cuba).
Serenade, DIP, walking musicians of Malecón, Havana Malecón/
The Paladar, Collective intervention. Simulation of Cuban
restaurant in Old Havana.
Graft, DIP, Parque Vidal, Province Fine Art Saloon. Santa Clara,
Cuba/ Fraternity, DIP, Parque de la Fraternidad, Havana, Cuba.
Department of public interventions (DIP)
Organize Committee Member of Action Experience: 30 days,
public interventions events during the 8th Havana Biennial. (Nov)/
Ver donde otros miran, Coloquio Nacional de Artes Plásticas,
Matanzas. (Apr)
Participation in: 8 horas más, from Tatiana Mesa and María Victoria
Portelles. Havana (Jul)/ In: El drama de convertirse en otro:
Paranoia, from L. CONDUCT-A-RT, Obispo Street, Old Havana.
(Jun)/ Wharf (collective action), South Coast, La Habana. (Apr.
Prize, X Ceramic Biennial „Amelia Peláez“. Havana, Cuba/ Grant,
Studio 21 Competition, Visual Art Center, CDAV, Havana, Cuba
Curatorship Award 2005, Havana, Cuba.
Prize, National Drawing Saloon (2nd edition), Matanzas, Cuba.
Prize, Province Fine Art Saloon. Santa Clara. Cuba.
Big Prize,VI CeramicBiennial „Amelia Peláez“. Havana, Cuba.
First Prize, Small format saloon „Apolinario Chávez“. Santa Clara,
First Prize, Small format saloon „Apolinario Chávez“. Santa Clara,
Criticism Award, Province Fine Art Saloon. Santa Clara. Cuba.
First Prize, Province Fine Art Saloon. Santa Clara. Cuba.
Bursaires & Residencies
Artist in Residence, Villa Strauli, Winterthur, Suiza/ Artist in
Residence, Spazio 13, Varsovia, Polonia.
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Schloss
Laudon, Wien, Österreich.
Lugares de tránsito, Interchange with the Spanish artist Daniel
Silvo. Havana-Madrid.
I Symposium of Installation, Cultural Center “San Pancho”, Jalisco,
COAST International Artists Workshop, Liverpool, UK/ Artist in
residence, Liverpool Community College, Liverpool, UK/ Artist in
residence, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK.
Batiscafo”. Triangle Art Trust. (Mar)
II Eskishehir Terra Cotta Symposium. Eskishehir, Turkia